How To Use Flash Card The Correct Way..

  1. My child wants to touch and play with the cards
    A It is important to set the rules of the game correctly from Day One. Do not let your child play with the cards. Explain to your child that you will be showing the cards later again and move on into doing some activities with your child eg. reading a book. Your child may cry initially but after a while will understand the rules of the game.
  2. What happens if I cannot complete the three teaching sessions in a day?
    A Just continue as usual the next day but try to be consistent in maintaining the minimum daily teaching sessions.
  3. I have laid off the program for some time now(Reason : either busy or sick). How do I get started again?
    A You do not need to start all over again from the beginnlng. Just start with some familiar words and subsequently move on to the new words. Your child will be able to do ~ revision on the rest of the old words when you progress to Step 2 (Couplets).
  4. Not much response from my child?
    A Do not expect your child to sit still or expect a certain flxed response. As long as your child gives you brief attention while you are flashing the cards, it is sufficient. A brief glance at the cards is what your child needs to grasp the words.
  5. What happens if while flashing the cards, my child is distracted and turns away?
    A Stop and call out his name aloud and when your child looks in your direction again, qulckiy complete the rest of the cards joyfully. First priority to consider is to choose a place with minimum distraction to flash the cards.
  6. Can I teach 2 languages or more at the same time?
    A Yes, you can, because all babies and toddlers are linguistic geniuses.
    Parents have to be cautious when using different languages. Do not mix the different languages into one sentence as this will cause confusion leading to poor language and grammar.
  7. The teaching sessions are very short. What should I do for the rest of the day?
    A For the rest of the day, be mindful of drawing your child's attention to the objects or subjects taught with great emphasis. You can also introduce the other intellectual programmes eg. Math and Encybits.
  8. Is it alright to teach 2 different sizes of words during the different transition?
    A It is alright but it is discouraged. In the event your child has any problem with smaller print, it is advisable to go back to the previous size and stay there for a while.
  9. During a teaching session, can I teach both my children of different ages?
    A Yes, you may, as long as they are not disrupting or distracting one another during the teaching session.
  10. My child is now attending kindergarten. Later when he goes to formal school, will the different systems cause any confusion to my child?
    A No, it will not. Since your child's brain has been stimulated at an early age, your child will flnd learning new skills effortless. In fact, your child will have better concentration and enjoy learning.
  11. My child is only learning limited words in the Kit. How is my child going to learn other new words?
    A Your main purpose now is to help your child get a head start in reading by building a sizable vocabulary and at the same time stimulating the brain. Once this foundation has been laid, your child will learn the rest of the words intuitively.
  12. Is it alright to let my child sit on my lap as I flash the card from front to back?
    A Yes, it is pertectly flne, as long as your child is cooperative and comfortable in this position.
  13. Is it necessary to teach my child phonics later?
    A Words have meaning but alphabets do not. It is in fact easier and fun to begin with words than alphabets which are abstract. From birth, we already start talking to a baby, so why not let them see the words too?

    The ideal age to introduce sounds of letters (phonics) to a child is when he is about 4 - 5 years old. Should you choose not to teach phonics, your child will learn to read new words intuitively like most adults. The important thing is to ensure that your child enjoys reading!
  14. My child wants more after each session of 5 words. Should I give him more?
    A The general rule is to stop before your child gets bored. Explain to your child that you will be showing the cards again later and quickly proceed to do some interesting activities eg. reading a book, playing a simple game or taking your child to the garden for exploration!
  15. Currentiy I am doing 1 set of 5 words - 3 times a day Can I increase to another set of 5 words, totalling 6 teaching sessions per day?
    A Yes, you can. If you are really sure that you can consistently cope with the schedule.
  16. Can I teach 10 words in a session instead of 5 words?
    A The general rule is to keep the session short and interesting because children's ability to take in facts is good but their concentration is short.

    Only attempt it if you are certain that your child has good concentration. You will need to monifior your child closely and do not hesitate to revert to a comfortable schedule.
  17. My child is only a baby How do I know that my child is learning?
    A As long as your child is cheerful, smiling and kicking joyfully during each session, you can rest assured that your child is learning.

    BUT if he is turns away from the card or shows any form of negative response consistently then it is time to evaluate the teaching and learning of words schedule.
  18. How do I know that my child is learning since I am not allowed to test?
    A Testing is the opposite of learning. It is stressful for the parent and child. You may do Revision Opportunities after a few weeks into the programme. Testing is to find out what your child does not know whereas Revision Opportunities is to identify your child's favourites. (refer to Revision Opportunities section at the back of this
    manual for details)

    This is one game your child will surely win if given the opportunity at an early age. If both of you, parent and child are joyful enjoying the teaching sessions, you are on the right track to give your child the giff of literacy.
  19. Can I get my maid to assist in the teaching?
    A Yes, it is alright for her to assist you but do not leave it to her entirely. You will need to ensure that her command of English is good especially the pronunciation. You will also need to help her to understand the concept and to carry out the teaching sessions with lots of love and joy

    Remember: Mothers make the best teachers. There is no substitute for mother's love.
  20. Is it alright to read story books to my child in between teaching the programme?
    A Yes, it is encouraged, especially during bedtime. Just read aloud and do not expect your child to focus on the small print yet. Reading aloud to your child will develop a love of reading while flashing the words will help your child in word recognition and also stimulates the brain.
  21. It is about 6 months now and my child is still not able to read.
    A The important thing to note in this situation is whether you and your child are still enjoying the program. Parents should continue doing the program creatively regardless of the progress.

    Your child may be slow in exhibiting his oral reading skills but will surprise you at a later stage. Unable to read aloud does not necessarily mean he is not reading. Reading is a brain function!

    Apart from reading, it also helps in brain development which will enable your child to learn other skilis effortlessly later eg. other languages, music and so on.
    The program will also develop strong bonding between you and your child, which will contribute to the child's healthy emotional development.
  22. My child loves books but is not interested in the words (flashcards) now.
    A With older children, we have to keep the session very brief and stay longer with phrase; and sentences. Homemade books with interesting storylines will be an excellent way tc reinforce the single words taught and to introduce new words.
  23. What do I do next, now that I have completed all the cards in the Kit?
    A Upon completing the word cards and reading the first book by your child, it i~ extremely important to continue providing your child with suitable books to further enhance his reading skill. Initially the print size of the books should be slightly larger than the usual books.

    The library, which provides a wide variety of books will be a great place stimulate your child's interest and love for reading. He will need your guidance selecting the appropriate books in order to make reading fun and enjoyable.
  24. My child can read now. Do I have to continue introducing new words through flash cards?
    A No, you do not need to continue using the flash cards approach. You may do so for a while by taking out new vocabulary from the story books he enjoys. Subsequently, just read out any new words aloud and explain the meaning of the words. Your child will gradually learn and understand the words.
    Do not be surprised to note that your child can learn and remember the words with ease.

    Once your child's brain has been stimulated and developed, he can learn to read new words intuitively with ease. Your child will be able to learn new words through everyday experiences just like adults. The important thing is to help him develop the basic skills as early as possible to ensure that he loves reading for the rest of his life.
  25. Will my child be confused if he attends a kindergarten that adopts Phonics?
    A No, he will not be confused because it is a new skill altogether. In fact, he will be having fun because he can learn with ease.
  26. Is it good to reward my child for being cooperative and attentive after each teaching session?
    A Yes, it is a positive thing to do but definitely not with chocolates or junk food!
    The award system should be something that will be motivating and recognises your child's effort throughout the day. The award system can be extended to other responsibilities eg tidying your bed, finishing your breakfast (meals), watering the plants in the evening, greetings in the morning, helping around in the house, etc.
    Your child's best reward is of course your hugs and kisses!
You can use a colourtul chart. Hang it prominently on the wall. After completing each teaching session or accomplishing certain responsibilities, your child can stick a "star" on the charf. Upon accumulating the required number of "stars", your child will be rewarded eg. a family outing over the weekend, a trip to his favourite restaurant or beach, a special gift, an educational toy, watch a movie/concerf, etc.
It is very important to set the rules and every one in the family must stick by it and be consistent. All promises must be kept!
FINE - Award is forteited, if responsibilities are carried out without the following :
  • Respecting each other
  • Helping each other
  • Accomplishing responsibilities cheerfully


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